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    Messenger® is a care management tool that enhances communication between the physician office and the patient. This new product uses Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology, enabling practices to send voice messages to patients, as well as the ability to send SMS text messages. eClinicalMessenger has been designed as part of the eClinicalWorks comprehensive EHR solution as opposed to being a stand-alone product, so patients can respond to the message and have their response change the status in the EMR system will reflect that response.

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    Messenger is:

    • Integrated: it is tied into the unified EMR/PM system, as well as Patient Portal.
    • Interactive: patients can confirm their appointment by pressing one phone key, which then updates the schedule in the doctor’s office.
    • Customizable: Automated messages can be customized, in English as well as Spanish. Patient preferences for time of calls, which phone number, etc., is tracked.
    • Hosted Solution: eClinicalWorks takes care of the hosting for eClinicalMessenger rather than the practice.
    • Personalized: Doctors can record their own greeting for outgoing messages, putting patients at ease with a more personal touch.
    • Efficient: Staff no longer needs to spend time calling to confirm appointments. Multiple message can be sent out simultaneously, saving staff time when there is a weather closing, a doctor is out sick, or health alerts/updates

    eClinicalMessengerUse eClinicalMessenger to communicate with your patients
    • Set appointment reminders with confirmation capability
    • Schedule changes (i.e. weather cancellation or doctor is needed for an emergency)
    • Normal lab results
    • Patient Registry
      • Health Alerts
      • Disease Management
    • New Product or service notification

    Learn About Other Features in eClinicalWorks

    EMR | Practice Management |eClinicalMobile | Patient Portal | eClinicalTouchInteroperability

    For more information about eClinicalWorks and GroupOne Health Source, call 800-769-5288 or email us at

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