Should Your Practice Charge No Show Fees?January 04, 2016The estimated no-show rate for medical practices is around 18%. That may not sound bad, but if you consider each missed visit prevents your practice …
10 Reasons a Physician Should Seek an MBADecember 29, 2015More doctors are pursuing the Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree on top of their medical qualifications. Should you? It can be a wise …
Minimizing Malpractice Risks During Flu SeasonDecember 27, 2015The 2015-2016 flu season is here, and that means medical practices must be able to handle an influx of people who want to be vaccinated, as well as a …
Most Commonly Unexpected Denied ProceduresDecember 23, 2015Claim denials are an unpleasant fact of life, and too many of them can dramatically impact your practice's cash flow. Not only do coders have to cope …
10 Quick Tips for Successful Provider CredentialingDecember 16, 2015Whether you are adding a new doctor or opening your own practice, you need to start the credentialing process in advance to avoid potential problems. …
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